Martes, Mayo 31, 2016

4 Book Marketing Secrets

e-commerce Denver
Every self-published author eventually faces the task of marketing their book. Simply uploading the book onto a bookseller site is not enough to generate substantial sales. In order to achieve the kind of sales figures that help self-published authors carve a niche for themselves in the publishing world, you have to know the secrets of book marketing.

1. Get book reviews on social media.
Use your social media site to ask for book reviews. After you’ve posted announcements about how delighted you are that your book is finally in print, be bold about asking your social network contacts to review your book and post it online. Positive book reviews drive sales. Even if you have to give away free copies to get reviews, the end result is worth it.

2. Spend money and time on advertising. e-commerce web development Denver
Work with a website designer to get a web page started. You can even sell copies of your book online with e commerce design Denver. Place paid banner ads, text ads on commercial Internet sites, and ads on blogs to promote book sales. Just make sure you’re advertising to your target audience. 

Sign up with a site that targets readers for you and offers click-through tracking statistics, so you will be able to tweak your advertising campaign according to your results. Join online book clubs and reader sites. With a book, you must remember that you are also selling yourself as a person. Readers who can get to know you through their favorite book clubs will be more inclined to go through with a purchase.

3. Present yourself like a professional. e commerce design Denver
You can stand out from the rest of the crowd by presenting you and your book as a publishing agent would. Use business cards to introduce yourself to independent bookstore owners and other retail establishments that you think might carry a few copies of your book. 

Attend book conferences and trade fairs and hand out your business card freely. You’re better off getting business card printing services online, rather than printing them on a home printer. With online business cards, you’ll get a high quality of card stock and a broad variety of designs from which to choose from. At a minimum, print your name, your book title, and contact information such as your business website address or email.

4. Embark on a guest blog tour. android developer Denver
Approach blog sites and ask if you can make a guest appearance, or publish on their site. Bloggers are usually anxious to fill their site with fresh content, and most will say yes to your request. You can either do a question and answer interview for the site, publish a tempting excerpt of your book or write about writing. 

Your presence on other sites will grow your audience exponentially. With the popularity of self-publishing, more authors are finding themselves the master of their own marketing strategies. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to reaping the full benefits of your hard work.